Protégez la planète aujourd'hui et pour demain.

Notre Mission

Construire un avenir durable et laisser un impact positif sur la vie de nos collaborateurs, des communautés dans lesquelles nous opérons et de l'environnement. Nous nous efforçons constamment de devenir une entité entièrement durable avec pour objectif de protéger la planète et ses ressources pour la prochaine génération.

À l'Avenir

Notre mission est de devenir une entité corporative durable dont nos employés, distributeurs et clients seront fiers.
Nous visons à atteindre cet objectif dans les aspects clés de notre travail :

Développement stratégique de produits

Utilisation d'une stratégie plus holistique et orientée vers un objectif dans le développement de produits et les opérations pour minimiser les déchets et promouvoir une utilisation efficace des ressources.

Chaîne d'approvisionnement

Assurer que tous les fournisseurs soient éthiques, respectueux de l'environnement et conformes aux réglementations du travail.

Culture durable

Développer une main-d'œuvre où chaque employé est habilité à défendre et à réaliser des initiatives durables.

Héritage vert

Cultiver une présence mondiale permettant un impact environnemental durable grâce à la défense des intérêts, aux partenariats et à l'action collaborative à grande échelle.

Our Projects

Implementing a #GoMeatFree policy from Day 0

All QNET offices and events worldwide are strictly meat-free to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate harm to the environment.

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First BCA Accredited High-Rise Office

QNET’s Malaysian office became the first high-rise in the country awarded the prestigious Green Mark Gold award by the Building and Construction Authority of Singapore (BCA). This marks a 20% increase in resource savings, facilitating more efficient energy and water use throughout the office tower.

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Banning all single-use plastics

QNET has taken to banning all single-use plastic in offices, events, and conventions to reduce plastic waste. Employees are actively encouraged to reuse plastic components, and recycle bins are readily available on every office floor.

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Proud member of United Nations Global Compact

QI Group of Companies, the parent company of QNET, is now a member of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) Network – the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative targeting corporate transparency and accountability.

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Working exclusively with ethical, sustainable suppliers

QNET’s jewellery and watch collection is produced using recycled gold and ethically mined precious stones from suppliers with Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC) membership. RJC members are independently audited according to the RJC Code of Practices which addresses human and labour rights, environmental impact, and fair mining practices.

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Replacing plastic packaging with greener alternatives

All product packaging is replaced with eco-friendly material, such as Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Certified Paper and recyclable sleeves and boxes.

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Resource-saving HomePure line

QNET’s HomePure Zayn is an energy-saving air purifier that has low power consumption, whereas HomePure Nova can eliminate water wastage and use of plastic bottles without the use of electricity.

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Minimising impact of production

Amezcua line does not contain hazardous materials and is ISO-Certified for ethical labour use and low environmental impact. Amezcua products are proven to have positive impact on quality of life and personal wellness.

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“Sustainability is an integral part of QNET’s core values.
Since QNET’s inception, we have been proudly advocating sustainable living at all levels of the organisation to encourage responsible consumption of the earth’s natural resources.
The future is green, but only if we take action to make it so.”

– Malou Caluza, QNET CEO

QN Maroc holds a holistic, multiple-stakeholder view on building a green legacy. Sustainability and environmental preservation are part of our wider social impact initiative which includes community transformation, promoting diversity and inclusivity, and empowering people through our RYTHM Foundation.